July 4, 2018
pretty colors #happyfourthya'll #happybirthdayamerica #sorryyourpartyissolamethisyear #butthatiswhathappens #whenyouembracefascism #resist
1,023 227
July 4, 2018
pretty colors #happyfourthya'll #happybirthdayamerica #sorryyourpartyissolamethisyear #butthatiswhathappens #whenyouembracefascism #resist
1,023 227
July 4, 2018
it's amazing what a year can do. 🎇🎆😍🤩🌶 #iwouldnottradeitforanything #moodlighting #downbytheriver
1,323 282
July 3, 2018
mint lemonade 🍋🍋🍋🌿🌿🌿 #sogoddamngood #downtherivercharles #dirtywater #summatime
1,422 272
July 3, 2018
how the hell is she so photogenic? #deltatheaquadog #theotherbestdamndecisionievermade #sheloveswalkslikeilovepizza
1,023 227
July 3, 2018
damn right. 🔮🧙🧞 #butiappreciatethereminder #pretties
1,323 282
July 2, 2018
just a bunch of dildos banging around 🍆 #glow #iloveher #libertyisperf #truerwordshaveneverbeenspoken
1,422 272
July 2, 2018
nobody bother me, GLOW is on. #season2issoperfect #dearwhoeverishonkingoutside #shutthefuckup
1,023 227
July 2, 2018
her life is really difficult #deltatheaquadog #notevenherfaveballcansaveher #fromthisgodawfulheat
1,323 282
July 1, 2018
one day at a time. #wordstoliveby
1,422 272
July 1, 2018
a ship at harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are for. #ineedtorememberthis
1,023 227
July 1, 2018
i had too much to dream last night. #itallinvolvedyou
1,323 282
June 30, 2018
all the kisses 💋💋💋 #idebatedpostingthis #butheisreallycute #andiamfeelingexcellentaboutmyself #so
1,422 272
June 30, 2018
flower selfies #thegroundwaswet #thisissecondsbeforeijumpedup #andscreamed #becausemypantsgotwet
1,023 227
June 30, 2018
campground #donotaskhowlongittooktosetthistentup #icanbeverydistracting
1,323 282
June 29, 2018
fire is hot. #ididnotbringenoughchocolate #andiamreallyupsetaboutit #notenoughsmores
1,422 272
June 29, 2018
wildflowers are always better with you. #allthecolorsofthewind
1,023 227
June 29, 2018
in our happy place #alecsayswearenotgoingtogetlost #idon'tbelievehim
1,323 282
June 29, 2018
sunset through the trees #andiaskmyself #whatarewedoinghere #theblairwitchisgonnagetus #waterflowingunderground
1,422 272
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