615 posts 101k followers 233 following
mayim holloway   water dweller/Harvard scum straight outta SALEM {Boston Mass.hole, mermaid of the spiritual aquatic, Beijing 2008/NCAA refugee, varsity brat handler - all requests through @m.holloway}
 alechmorris, nikalodeon, cooperman +225 more

June 7, 2018

a baptism of stupid #rainbowglitter #mynewdefault #lifehacks

1,023   227

June 6, 2018

breathing underwater #deepseadiving #betterthandrowning

1,323   282

June 4, 2018

cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles #mykindofoptimism #cupcakes

1,422   272

June 4, 2018

it begins #ttc #medsround1 #nextcomeinjections #ialreadywanttokillthings

1,023   227

June 3, 2018

you have to change in order to grow. #andthosewhogrowhaveprettyflowers #maybenotoutoftheirhead #flowermedusa

1,323   282

June 3, 2018

🌈☁️ #selfiesunday? #icandigit

1,422   272

June 2, 2018

afternoon tea. aka scones make everything better. #teatime #jamandclottedcream #omnomnom

1,023   227

June 2, 2018

there's a storm in my head and it's killing all the flowers. #mood

1,323   282

June 1, 2018

bloodwork round 1. #ttc #vampires #itsridichowmuchyouhavetodo

1,422   272

June 1, 2018

soup of the day: champagne #ffs #justdrinkingoutofaladle #alsohappypride #bostonprideweek

1,023   227

June 1, 2018

welcome june... welcome summer #throwback #solsticestartsnowidec #summer #beachdaysarebetterdays #ineedtobecoveredinsandagain

1,323   282

June 1, 2018

this morning i told the flowers what i'd do for you and they blossomed #rupikaur #love

1,422   272