562 posts 101k followers 232 following
mayim holloway   water dweller/Harvard scum straight outta SALEM {Boston Mass.hole, mermaid of the spiritual aquatic, Beijing 2008/NCAA refugee, varsity brat handler - all requests through @m.holloway}
 nikalodeon, cooperman +225 more

May 15, 2018

man versus fire #eveningbonfire #sparks #icanfitinthatwheelbarrowftr #alecdoesnottrustmenearfire
1,217   254

May 14, 2018

trying to organize for bali, this isn't even half of the swimsuits i own?? #problemwhatproblem

2,226   556

May 14, 2018

my heart, this precious little princess has stolen it. welcome baby genevieve! you are so loved already. #fairygodmother #wonderbaby

2,121   436

May 14, 2018

peonies #prettypretties #babebringsmethebestflowers

2,223   477

May 13, 2018

happy mother's day, mom. #mothersday #tenwholeyears #wemissyou #lavenderandhoneybees #herfaves

1,223   167

May 13, 2018

never gonna dance again the way i danced with you #guiltyfeethavegotnorhythm #neon #bestthingaboutthisplace #preachittho #80smusic #georgemichael

1,457   234

May 13, 2018

nouvelle cuisine disappears quickly. #andhasweirdcombos #whochosethisplaceanyway #jkitsprettygoodiguess

1,121   226

May 12, 2018

went gothic with the nails this time. #theyturnedoutalright #notmybest

1,434   317

May 12, 2018

doing my makeup #lotsofdinnersthisweek #everyoneisgraduating

1,227   204

May 11, 2018

🌷🌷🌷 tulips #likedualipa #tulipsforyou

1,029   256

May 11, 2018

there is sunshine in my soul today. #mood #finally

1,326   287

May 11, 2018

i went to get our food order and alec took this picture of me. #ireallylovetheseshoes #heelseverywhere

1,422   272

May 10, 2018

hung by the moon #luminousmermaid #mood

1,023   227

May 9, 2018

this guy, though. he's really handsome. #nature #treesfallforhimallthetime #myselfincluded #theonlylivingpalmtreeinboston

1,323   282

May 9, 2018

we went exploring #nature #notlostyetbutalmost #ifatreefalls #andnooneisaroundtohearit #diditreallyfall

1,422   272