February 27, 2018
i can take a hint. #whitetulips #prettypretties #spoiledprincess
1,217 131
February 26, 2018
i'm the kid in a candy store #incaseidiefromsugarcoma #thisiswhereiwaslastseen
1,312 149
February 26, 2018
implosion #mood #ultraviolet
1,237 152
February 25, 2018
rainbow garden #flowers #everythingisbullshit
1,276 254
February 24, 2018
he talked me into putting on something other than sweatpants and leaving the house #everythingisbetterwithpasta #itmakesmetryingtorapclsongs #muchmorebearable
1,255 285
February 24, 2018
pyeongchang 2018 got me nostalgic af. i remember walking into the ceremonies with my team and realizing that i would never have that moment again. #enjoyitathletes #youveearnedit #beijing2022gonnabeinsane #stilljammingonclbitches #olympics
1,434 355
February 23, 2018
miss delta is sick of this shit. #throughandthrutotimbuktu #thegreatestchoicewaspickingher #sheisthebest
1,227 282
February 21, 2018
tide #stillstanding #fuckyoumetaphors
1,134 223
February 21, 2018
a lilypad for you #justdontplayleapfrog #youmightsinkme
1,311 263
February 21, 2018
mega sexy #maybeillkeepthestaplesforever #icantfeelit #thereisnosensationthere
1,277 213
February 20, 2018
underwater #everythingisbullshit
1,195 178
February 20, 2018
🌷🌮 #eattacos #tupinklips
1,219 133
February 19, 2018
look at this stuff isn't it neat #wouldntyouthinkmycollectionscomplete #nevertoomanyshells
1,281 197
February 19, 2018
bookmarking these for later because i should really be baking instead of buying so many girl scout cookies. #rainbowcookies #baking #mahadthebestsugarcookierecipe #itwouldgoreallywellwiththis #butitsapatentedsecret
1,233 194
February 18, 2018
evil sea bitch #cominforu #comeonthrough #jawstheme #sirenofthesea
1,235 193
February 17, 2018
🌷🍆 #tulipsgonewild #sunrise
1,281 193
February 16, 2018
free floating #justkeepfloating #notswimming #orsinking
1,239 192
February 15, 2018
nail day #flowers #selfcare #imakethislookgood
1,231 191