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mayim holloway  water dweller/Harvard scum straight outta SALEM {Boston Mass.hole, mermaid of the spiritual aquatic, Beijing 2008/NCAA refugee, varsity brat handler - all requests through @m.holloway}
475 posts 101k followers 232 following

December 30, 2017

pretty colors 😍 #likeasnowglobe #icouldliveinasnowglobe #itwouldbeeasierthanlivingintherealworld

1,312      181

December 30, 2017

this fresh powder tho #skiingisawful #itsbasicallylikecrosscountrywalking #alecislaughingatme #fuckgoingbacktothetop

1,334      152

December 30, 2017

bubble bath, champagne, candles, snow. #peace #gettingmymindright

1,443      293

December 30, 2017

winter wonderland #middleofnowhere #deltadoesntlikeitthough #shesadaintylittlebitch

1,261      214

December 30, 2017

winter florals #morningdeliveries #prettybuticanteatthese

1,267      188

December 29, 2017

my man built me a fire #itsgoodcavemantraining #brrrrrrr #notwarmenough

1,218      189

December 29, 2017

it's magical, i'm never coming home #bye #iliveherenow #newyearsevehereisgoingtobesopretty

1,293      227

December 29, 2017

candlelit snow angels #socoldbutidontcare #oholynightsomethingsomething

1,345      317

December 29, 2017

we fled the city #guesswhere #theresmaplesyrupinthemtrees #ithink #vermonthideaway

1,278      224